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Pen Pals

Our goal for the Alaska English Adventures pen pal program is to connect students from Alaska with classes all over the world. We'd love to see a class from every country connected with its own class of Alaskan students!


Reach out to Brad if you'd like to get involved; we'd love to have you as part of the program!

Our Mission

Photos from teacher Claire Wu in Taipei City, Taiwan. Letters from students from Clark Middle School, Anchorage

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From Alaska to Taipei

We're excited to have so many schools as part of our pen pal program. Here's what students and teachers around the world are saying about their pen pal experience with Alaska English Adventures.

What the schools have to say

Istanbul, Turkey

Homer, Alaska, USA

Malaga, Spain

Bydgoszcz, Poland

Nepliget, Hungary

Yoko-Hama, Japan

French Immersion

Golden View Middle School

Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Spanish Immersion Government Hill Elementary

Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Oklahoma, USA

Malaga, Spain

Nairobi, Kenya

Canberra, Australia


L'Union, France

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Bangkok, Thailand

Postcards from Claire Wu's classrooms in Er Chong Junior High School & Clark Middle School

in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

Postcards from Taiwan

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Ming-Yao Hsiung and her students at Taipei Wanfu Elementary School in Taipei, Taiwan hold up their pen pal correspondence.

Connecting with Taiwan!


Trzecie Liceum Ogólnokształcące of Adam Mickiewicz in Bydgoszcz, Poland sending letters back to the students at Mears Middle School, Anchorage, Alaska!

Hearing back from Poland

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Talking to Taiwan

Postcards sent to teacher Claire Wu and her 7–9th graders at Er Chong Junior High School in New Taipei City, Taiwan

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From Homer to Hungary

Letters from teacher Gia Baker and students at Homer Middle School to teacher Toth Magdolna in Nepliget, Hungary (arrived March 3rd!)


More letters on their way to Alaska!

41 pen pal letters from teacher Paulina in Bydgoszcz, Poland headed for students at Mears Middle School in Anchorage!


Care Package from France!

A care package from Prisca, a teacher in Toulouse, France, for students in Anchorage, Alaska.


"Hello" to Hungary from Alaska!

Students at Kàlmàn Rózsahegyi Primary School in Gyomaendrőd, Hungary receive their first bit of mail from teacher Gia's students in Homer, Alaska.


Care Package for Poland!

A care package from students in Anchorage, Alaska, arrived at its destination in Bydgoszcz, Poland!


Pen Pal letters from Mears Middle School

65 letters from students at Mears Middle School in Anchorage, Alaska, on their way to students in Turkey, Poland, and Brazil.

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Incoming to Spain!


These letters are on their way to Spanish immersion students in Anchorage, Alaska, from teacher Ana and her students at: 


IES Bezmilliana School
Rincon de la Victoria, Malaga, South of Spain

Meanwhile, in Turkey:

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