Exploring the Kenai Peninsula 2022
August 3 - Arrive: Anchorage
Activities: Recovering from flight, swimming, relaxing
August 4
Drive to Seward and visit Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Girdwood on way.
Arrive at Seward Beach House. Explore the beach looking for sea stars and seashells.
Hike King's Head trail on Lowell Point.

Seward, Alaska photo via Josh Mccausland @Unsplash
August 5 - Seward
Activities: Best of Alaska Tour (4 hours sea kayaking, 4 hours fishing, 4 hours nature viewing)
Enjoy a 4-hour paddle in Aialik Bay or Northwestern Fjord at one of the amazing tidewater glaciers, and 4 hours of sport fishing on the way home for salmon and rockfish. Lunch provided.

Kayaking in Aialik Bay photo via Millers Landing AK

Fishing Adventure photo via Millers Landing AK
August 6 - Seward
Activities: 3.2-mile round trip hike to Exit Glacier with 1400 foot elevation gain. Will include small mountain climbing. Described as an incredibly beautiful hike with the full taste of Alaskan natural beauty.
Be sure to bring your camera!
We will be joined by new friends from the Teen Rec Center in Seward for our hike to Exit Glacier. They will also host an authentic Alaskan BBQ for us at the end of our hike.

Exit Glacier- Photo via Drew Farwell @Unsplash
August 7 - Seward
Activities: 6 hour Kenai Fjords National Park Cruise. Get on board the catamaran with a real Park Ranger and enjoy an up-close experience with an active calving glacier. See whales, sea otters, stellar sea lions, harbor seals, puffins, eagles, and seabirds. Enjoy prime rib or salmon for lunch.

Sea Otter Photo via Kerstin Kaufmann @Pixabay
August 8 & August 9 - Cooper Landing - Quartz Creek Campground
Activities: Leave Seward & Miller’s Landing and drive to Cooper Landing. Set up camp at Quartz Creek campground between Kenai Lake and Quartz Creek. Enjoy rock skipping on smooth lake water, learning how to build a campfire, learning how to build a lean-to, and overall enjoying one of the most beautiful places on earth. Group will participate in scavenger hunts, group games, and exercises. Water sports and possible fishing will be available.

Kenai Lake Photo via John Thomas @Unsplash
August 10
Activities: Drive to Anchorage. Check in to hotel. See fish swimming at Ship Creek , take a walk on the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail.
Book signing party with acclaimed Alaskan author Jamey Bradbury.
August 11
Activities: Visit Alaska Native Heritage Center, Kinkaid Park , Anchorage Museum. Visit University of Alaska Anchorage and/or Alaska Pacific University.

Anchorage Museum Photo via the museum's website.
August 12 - Anchorage
Activities: Prepare for flight, fly home
Bring your class and get 8th student at ½ price!